ridecount Changelog

We keep this page updated with what has been changed or added in ridecount, so you can keep up to date with all of the latest changes!


21st July 2024

  • Some fixes for our backend systems to help us manage parks better


7th July 2024

  • We're preparing some new features to help new users get started with ridecount quickly


3rd July 2024

  • Fixed a bug introduced yesterday causing errors on pages for legacy users who did not have a country set on their profile


2nd July 2024

  • We've fixed a bug that prevented some of the Explore pages from loading correctly (e.g. Explore > Lists)
  • Minor framework and software updates


6th February 2024

  • We've fixed a bug in the backend admin area for managing parks
  • We've added some backend features to help us manage removed data better
  • Minor framework and software updates


7th January 2024

  • Happy New Year! 🥳
  • We've done some small updates to our backend admin
  • Minor framework and software updates


31st December 2023

  • We're retiring our old 'short' domain for links and moving to a new one. This is due to low usage and increasing costs of the domain. You'll see 'ridecount.net' replace the old 'rid.ec' domain, which will cease to work in the new year.
  • Minor framework and software updates


19th December 2023

  • We've added your full attraction stats from your dashboard to your public profile page for all to enjoy!
  • We have some new attributes for attractions to help us better manage them in the future
  • Minor framework and software updates


30th November 2023

  • Some background bugfixes that did not affect your experience
  • Updating our core framework to the latest version


9th November 2023

  • Some background bugfixes that did not affect your experience
  • Laying the foundations for some upcoming features


5th November 2023

  • We've tidied up your dashboard and added a few new stats too!


4th November 2023

  • Adding a new way to submit feedback quickly on your dashboard


30th October 2023

  • Fixed a bug where an "other" type problem report for an attraction could not be submitted


29th October 2023

  • Some further backend data tweaks to support some upcoming features


29th October 2023

  • Fixing some issues around previously deleted nicknames not being available to be reused
  • Fixed an issue with accounts with unconfirmed email addresses not being automatically deleted
  • Some backend data tweaks to support some upcoming features


13th September 2023

  • Fixing a bug around trip date validation to make it clearer about the correct date format


29th August 2023

  • Fixing a bug that prevented new user registrations


28th August 2023

  • Introducing a new trip creation process to streamline our technologies in use across the site
  • Fixing some backend bugs
  • Fixing up some styling issues across shared components


21st August 2023

  • Fixing an issue with some paginated links and other interactive elements not working correctly


21st August 2023

  • Some minor internal bug fixes to how we track and handle errors for our team


20th August 2023

  • We've updated our backend software versions to bring the ridecount foundation platform up to date


25th May 2023

  • Fixing a timezone based bug where the date of a trip was being incorrectly set to the previous day if you were in a timezone behind UTC.
  • Thank you to ridecount member @terralilly85 for finding and reporting this bug 🙌


2nd December 2022

  • You can now add notes to each of your list attractions for helpful comments and information.
  • Attractions on your list will now show if you have tracked them or not - useful for building a wish list of attractions!
  • We've tweaked some more styling for consistency across the site.


1st December 2022

  • There's a brand new feature - introducing Lists! You can now create your own lists of attractions for all sorts of things like your top 10 coasters, or most-desired dark rides... and share them with the world!
  • We've had a design tidy up and tweaked styles across the site to hopefully make things a little more cleaner and consistent.
  • We're also preparing some further additions for the new Lists feature in the background, so keep an eye out for more details coming soon!
  • We're introducing some new attraction categories to help us manage the growing number of attractions on the site. You may start to see some of these appear around the site, but we're still working behind the scenes on the new categories so they may not work as expected yet.


4th September 2022

  • We've updated our backend software versions to bring the ridecount foundation platform up to date
  • You can now see a full list of your top attractions and parks


18th April 2022

  • We've added a new delete confirmation when deleting trips in response to your feedback
  • Some style have been tweaked to use our consistent design palette


18th April 2022

  • We've updated our backend software versions to bring the ridecount foundation platform up to date


6th February 2022

  • Tokyo DisneySea and Walt Disney Studios Trips:

    You'll see a large number of trips created for both Tokyo DisneySea and Walt Disney Studios as we carried out a large data migration in the backend on 6th February 2022 to untangle the attractions from Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Park respectively.

    If you had a trip logged to Tokyo Disneyland or Disneyland Park (Paris) with attractions logged that actually belonged to Tokyo DisneySea or Walt Disney Studios, you'll find this trip has been duplicated and the rides on those attractions moved across to the new trip under the correct park.

    No overall ridecounts should have changed, however you may find you have more trips logged now the parks have been 'untangled'. You might also have empty trips to Tokyo Disneyland or Disneyland Park in your profile - we did not automatically delete these, but you can review and do so if you wish to.

    If you spot any problems with the migration, please let us know via our Help and Support desk.

  • Other Changes:

    We have updated the Explore trips page to now be dynamic so you can look back beyond the latest 50 trips to the beginning of time.


11th January 2022

  • New Attractions section under Explore that shows top attractions, newest and a search feature
  • A bug was spotted in the overall ride counts for park listing pages, with rides included in the totals from removed trips. The issue has been resolved and the correct ride counts now show on the park pages, so some ride counts might have decreased on park pages as a result.
  • We've fixed some of the number formatting to include commas to improve readability (e.g. 1,000 instead of 1000)


9th January 2022

  • New filtering and sorting options have been added to all trip listings
  • The duplicate profile page ('My profile') has been removed and the menu item removed - you can still see your profile and edit it using the link on your dashboard, or in the site footer when logged in
  • The dashboard has been tweaked to show some of your stats
  • Styling has been reviewed and tweaked in places to improve readability and spacing


1st January 2022

  • We've updated our backend software versions to bring the ridecount foundation platform up to date


24th August 2021

  • Newly added parks show on the Explore Parks page
  • The design and stats for top attractions on park pages has been improved
  • Empty states (when there is no data to show) are handled with messages to say they are empty on park pages
  • Bug fix for the explore parks page not showing attractions unless they had rides logged against them


4th August 2021

  • Caching has been removed from the trips page after some performance tweaks
  • Some links have been tweaked to explore park pages and dashboard listings
  • Park search has been added to the explore parks page
  • The URLs for trips have been altered slightly to fit under the 'explore' section


3rd August 2021

  • Our new explore park pages have been soft launched for each park as part of the new explore statistics


30th June 2021

  • We're launching the start of our new park 'explore' section with stats about the top parks
  • We've added yearly stats for the number of parks tracked
  • We've laid the foundation for some further park and country based stats
  • Improvements for the colouring/highlighting on pagination links
  • Improvements to the mobile views of explore park stats


7th June 2021

  • We've fixed a bug where trip listings (on your profile page and trips page) were repeating and showing the same multiple trips over different pages (pagination)
  • We've made the trip listings dynamic and interactive so you do not need to reload the whole page to see more trips
  • All trip listings are now shown in the order they were created rather than date specific (due to some trips not having dates)


23rd May 2021

  • We've added some behind the scenes features to help manage ridecount


17th May 2021

  • We've added the foundation for some new upcoming features behind the scenes


1st May 2021

  • We've added the ability to view the Explore User leaderboards for previous months
  • We've fixed a bug with the pagination of the Explore User leaderboards


18th April 2021

  • We've tweaked some of the wording on your dashboard for the attraction type totals
  • We've been working behind the scenes to improve the management of attraction suggestions and changes
  • Under the hood we've quashed some bugs and updated some of the core software


26th March 2021

  • We've fixed a bug in the users explore page that broke the page if someone deleted their account and had tracked a trip this week or month


1st March 2021

  • New explore trips page
  • The speed of the explore trips page has been improved through caching (for 1 hour)
  • New menu navigation bar with dropdown support for Explore section


28th February 2021

  • You can now edit your trip dates and remove them
  • We've fixed some bugs about showing 'Visited on' when no date was set
  • There's now a convenient delete button on your trip edit page


23rd February 2021

  • We've tweaked the styling across all pages to ensure better structure of the content
  • We've tweaked the styling on the Explore > Trips page
  • We've fixed a bug where trips without dates incorrectly showed ".. on " in their page titles


21st February 2021

  • We've added a new user search in Explore > Users
  • We've tweaked the URLs of the Explore section to accommodate upcoming changes


11th February 2021

  • We've clarified the ability to track trips without a date on the trip form
  • We've added some validation to trip dates to stop people getting confused and entering nonsense dates
  • Minor bug fixes to styling across various pages


9th February 2021

  • Lots of minor tweaks and fixes from our initial launch
  • We've setup redirects for our old URL structures in case people had them bookmarked


7th February 2021

  • All new ridecount release!
  • New: user avatars on your profile
  • New: user home country location on your profile
  • New: attraction tracking tool that doesn't need saving
  • New: suggest a problem/change to an attraction
  • New: logging in with your email address for security
  • Updated: general styling tweaks across the whole site design
  • Removed: overall leaderboard - we'll be introducing new stats and features soon however!